"Jordana Bevan's only major flaws are her sporadic bouts of eczema" |
Then I spent yesterday reading the Wes Anderson Collection, writing lots of penpal letters, reading The Catcher in The Rye and getting super excited because I was sent Peace's new single 'Money' today on vinyl and it was signed by Doug, Harrison, Sam and Dom. <3 peace and luv 4everandever <3
I also rewatched Rushmore, Amelie and Submarine this last week and I just love those films so so much. They have perfect soundtracks and very on-point characters not to mention the script <3 <3
I've been doing lots of art and weird stupid doodles recently although it's all pretty useless but it fills up my time when I should be revising and making art keeps me going so here are some scans~~ and I also made a mini-zine that is sort of about the fabbest internship ever that I am doing at this tip top London art gallery in summer (the gallery girl who works there recognised my Tracey Emin t-shirt on the first day and it was lovely).
snip snap snip
"Deep Blue 1996"
Farewell friends and next time I write a post I will be free of all exams for 10 blissful weeks xoxo